
Redshift Configuration

Modify Publicly accessible Setting of Cluster:

In order to access the cluster from Vectoredge Platform ,Open the redshift cluster details page and enable public accessibility of the cluster like mentioned in the steps below:

  • Click on Actions and Select Modify Publicly accessible settings

Screenshot 2022-12-22 at 7.26.55 PM.png

  • Click on checkbox for “Turn on Publicly accessible”

Screenshot 2022-12-22 at 7.26.55 PM.png

Create a New parameter group for Enabling User Activity Logging

  • Open the Amazon Redshift console, and then choose Workload management from the navigation pane.

Screenshot 2022-12-22 at 7.26.55 PM.png

  • Create a New Parameter Group and add below listed parameters and their corresponding values:

Screenshot 2022-12-22 at 7.26.55 PM.png

  • After creating the parameter group, go to properties then Click Edit → Edit Parameter Group → Select Newly created parameter group

Screenshot 2022-12-22 at 7.26.55 PM.png

  • Click on Edit again to Edit Audit logging and enable it

Screenshot 2022-12-22 at 7.26.55 PM.png

Create User with ReadOnly Access

Make a user 'vectoredgeRead' and Grant Read Access

  1. CREATE USER vectoredgeRead WITH PASSWORD 'my_password';

  2. The following queries need to be run in every individual database:

    GRANT Select ON information_schema.tables to vectoredgeRead; GRANT Select ON information_schema.role_table_grants to vectoredgeRead;

  3. GRANT Select ON pg_stat_activity to vectoredgeRead;

  4. GRANT Select ON pg_user to vectoredgeRead;

  5. GRANT Select ON pg_auth_members to vectoredgeRead;

  6. GRANT Select ON pg_roles to vectoredgeRead;